Fire drills build defense lines, preventing fire and ensuring safety - the special fire drills were successfully completed


Recently, in order to strengthen the awareness of workplace safety and enhance employees' emergency response capabilities in case of fire accidents, TechCharge held a fire drill on the morning of July 31, 2024. The exercise aimed to verify the practical operation effectiveness of the company's fire safety facilities and emergency response plans, ensuring swift, orderly, and efficient evacuation and firefighting efforts in the event of a sudden fire. 

I. Background and Purpose of the Exercise 

Centered on the theme "Fire Drills Build Defense Lines, Preventing Fire for Safety," this fire drill simulated an emergency scenario where a fire suddenly broke out in the company's administrative building, rapidly spreading. The objective was to elevate employees' safety awareness, examine the operational status of fire safety facilities, and test employees' emergency response capabilities during a fire. 

II. Exercise Process 

Drill Initiation 

At 10:00 AM on July 31, the fire drill officially commenced with the command of the exercise's chief director. The drill simulated a fire outbreak in the administrative building, prompting the administrative supervisor to immediately activate the emergency response plan and notify the chief director. 

Emergency Evacuation 

Upon receiving the alarm, the chief director promptly activated the fire alarm system and organized an emergency evacuation. Employees followed the predetermined evacuation routes, covering their mouths and noses, adopting a low-crouching posture, and swiftly evacuated the fire scene. The evacuation was conducted in a tense yet orderly manner, without any incidents of crowding or trampling. 

Fire Suppression 

Concurrently with the evacuation, the company's fire brigade swiftly arrived at the scene to carry out firefighting operations. The firefighters skillfully operated fire-fighting equipment to swiftly contain the blaze. Meanwhile, various emergency response teams, including medical rescue, communication, and emergency response groups, worked in close coordination to ensure the smooth progress of firefighting efforts. 

Practical Use of Fire Extinguishers 

During the firefighting process, the company's security personnel demonstrated the correct usage of fire extinguishers and organized some employees to practice using them hands-on. Through actual operation, employees mastered the skills of using fire extinguishers, enhancing their ability to respond to fire accidents. 

Practical Use of Fire Hydrants 

The proper use of fire hydrants involves immediately opening the hydrant door upon encountering a fire, connecting the nozzle and hose to rush to the fire source, and then connecting the other end of the hose to the valve outlet. One person slowly turns the hydrant valve counterclockwise to its maximum, aiming the water jet at the base of the fire. After the security personnel explained the specific locations and usage of fire hydrants, employees conducted simulated practical exercises on their use. The entire process was well-coordinated, seamless, and orderly. 

Exercise Summary 

After the drill, the chief director summarized the fire exercise, noting that it achieved the expected outcomes with all employees demonstrating excellent emergency response capabilities and teamwork. He also analyzed the issues encountered during the exercise and proposed improvement measures. 

III. Significance of the Exercise 

Enhancing Employee Safety Awareness 

Through this fire drill, employees gained a profound understanding of the importance of fire safety, heightening their safety awareness. In the event of a fire, they can swiftly take correct measures to ensure the safety of themselves and others. 

Testing Emergency Plans and Facilities 

The exercise verified the practical operation of the company's emergency plans and the functioning of fire safety facilities, providing robust support for responding to sudden fire accidents. 

Strengthening Team Collaboration 

During the drill, various emergency response teams worked closely together to address the fire emergency. This collaboration enhanced employees' teamwork capabilities in dealing with unexpected events. 

Promoting Corporate Safety Culture 

This fire drill was an integral part of the company's safety culture development. Through the exercise, all employees gained a deeper understanding of workplace safety, laying a solid foundation for the company's safe and stable development. 

In conclusion, the fire drill was a complete success, not only raising employees' safety awareness but also testing the practical operation of the company's emergency plans and facilities. TechCharge will continue to strengthen workplace safety management to ensure the company's secure and stable development.